Sovereign Woman is singing in your bones...can you hear her? 

What does it mean to be truly sovereign? And more importantly, how does it feel to know yourself as Sovereign Woman? 

Sovereignty is different than freedom. Freedom means being able to act without limitation.

Sovereignty, on the other hand, has a greater weight to it. It means taking full and total responsibility for our lives, and in doing so, recognizing that we each hold tremendous wisdom and power, and have the inherent authority to direct and employ it as we believe to be best.

This has significant implications for ourselves, our families, our workplaces, our communities, and our planet. 

What would it mean to know yourself as a fully sovereign being?

Even if you don’t feel it fully right now, the memories of Sovereign Woman are encoded in our bones. What would it mean for you to know yourself as a fully sovereign being? How would your life change? How would the lives of those around you change? 

t's time to find out. 

Your Transformation Begins Here.

  • 9-Month immersion
  • 2 in-person retreats
  • Unlimited possibility 
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We Are Sovereign is a 9-month transformational leadership journey designed specifically for a select group of women who are ready to claim full authority and power over their own lives.

When we step into our sovereignty, there is no limit to what we can accomplish

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Step Through the Doorway 

We Are Sovereign is designed to help you step through the doorway to the most authentic, complete version of yourself. In our 9-month journey together, we’ll:

  • Consider where we’ve been, coming face to face with any emotions we may have been avoiding, such as sadness, fear, and anger - then lovingly release them. 
  • Explore where we are in this moment, including our own understanding of and relationship with our personal power. 
  • Envision where we want to go, creating a strong vision for our lives, rooted in a profound understanding of our individual personal power. 
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Have you lost your sense of sovereignty? 

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Maybe you sacrificed it, little by little, to a relationship that expected you to compromise your sense of self. Maybe you lost it after years of changing diapers, arranging playdates, or mindlessly shepherding children to and fro.

Maybe you set it aside in pursuit of a career that you believed would bring fulfillment, but has ultimately left you working long hours in service to a goal you're no longer sure you believe in. 

While this may seem like a common predicament for many women, it hasn’t always been the case. There are hidden and forgotten stories that tell us in no uncertain terms that women are inherently sovereign by birth.

For example, Celtic mythologist Sharon Blackie writes that in the old stories of ancient Ireland, the sovereign woman reigned supreme:  “She is the one who determines who is fit to rule, she is the guardian and protector of the land, the bearer of wisdom, the root of spiritual and moral authority for the tribe.”

It's time to reclaim her. 
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Your Sovereignty Road Map

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Above all, we will leverage the power of the group field to dive deep and be witnessed fully for who we are, allowing the property of emergence to support our becoming.

Because Sovereign Woman lives within each of us, we already have all we need to fully embody her; we simply need the dedicated space and the tools to invite her to come fully forward.

On our journey, we’ll draw upon numerous strategies to help us meet her, including:
  • Sovereignty Guides - powerful sacred female figures, drawn from history and mythology, who will help us envision what it means to truly live into our sovereignty
  • Transformational practices rooted in creativity, play, energy work, ritual, ceremony and even a little bit of magic
  • Embodiment practices, including dance, yoga, and other intuitive movement exercises to tap into the wisdom of the body
  • The Enneagram as a tool for understanding the human psyche and our individual personality types
  • Yogic philosophy, creative writing and journaling exercises, and much more   

Program Overview

9 Months. Two transformative retreats. A powerful container for radical growth.

The Sovereign Woman Experience  

Kick-off Retreat:
Big Island, Hawaii
September 12-15, 2024

We begin our journey on the beautiful Big Island of Hawaii. During our four days and three nights together, we’ll establish the container for our transformational journey, get to know each other as fellow sovereignty seekers, and set our intentions for our evolution.

We’ll also move our bodies via dance and yoga, meditate, spend time together in nature, and enjoy fireside conversations that weave in mythologic perspectives of women’s sovereignty - plus eat delicious vegetarian meals, rest, and dream big dreams for our futures. 

The  Sovereignty Journey
September 19, 2024 
- May 15, 2025

Following our retreat, we’ll hold twice-monthly community gatherings via Zoom beginning Thursday, September 19.

Each month we’ll walk the path toward sovereignty guided by particular themes, with each theme supported by storytelling, group lessons and conversations, movement practices, yoga philosophy, reflection and journaling prompts, and other home exploration assignments.  

Closing Retreat:
Mt. Shasta, California
June 5-8, 2025 

We complete our sovereignty journey with a wrap-up retreat held at Hestia Magic Retreat Center near majestic Mount Shasta, California.

During our final four days and three nights together, we’ll celebrate our transformations and witness each other in our growth. We’ll dance and practice yoga together, hike and explore the land, and commit to our ongoing evolution - because sovereignty is a journey, not a final destination. 

Our Month by Month Journey

Ready to Reclaim Your Sovereignty?

To get started, APPLY HERE.
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Sign up now!

Early bird pricing available

Register by July 31 to receive 10% off with code EARLYBIRD

Meet Your Instructors 

Nancy Larocca Hedley, MCC, RYT-200

As the founder of Illumine Coaching & Consulting, Nancy is dedicated to working with leaders to bring their visions into form. She thrives in those moments of personal and/or professional transition where engaging with deep inner work can produce profound outer change. As a leadership coach and team development consultant, Nancy has worked with leaders from large and small organizations across a variety of industries including tech, biotech, media, and beyond. 

The Backstory

Nancy left her corporate job in 2007 after a series of life-altering events: the passing away of her father-in-law, the birth of her daughter, a melanoma diagnosis, and emergency surgery to remove her partner’s brain tumor. She realized that her life’s energy was too precious to spend it doing things that weren’t aligned with her purpose. Soul-searching led her to leverage her background in leadership and organizational development as she shifted to the (then) emerging field of coaching. In 2008 she birthed her business, creating flexibility to be with her young daughter, and creating space to pursue wisdom from the world’s spiritual traditions and weave it into both her life and her work.

Today Nancy is a Master Certified Coach through the International Coaching Federation and a certified Enneagram facilitator. She has completed 200 and 300 hour yoga teacher trainings in Alignment-Based Hatha Yoga. As a dedicated practitioner of meditation, yoga, and dance, she weaves mindfulness and somatic-based approaches into her work. She is committed to creating inclusive cultures and to taking action to honor and respect our planet. She currently serves on her city’s Environmental Quality Commission which advises the City Council on environmental matters. She is also Mom to an amazing young woman who is headed to college in the fall of 2024.

Patrick Jones - Course author
Patrick Jones - Course author

Liz Childs Kelly, MA,

Liz Childs Kelly is a writer, award-winning researcher, educator, community builder, author of the award-winning Home to Her: Walking the Transformative Path of the Sacred Feminine, and host of the popular Home to Her podcast, which is dedicated to amplifying the voices of the Sacred Feminine. Her writing has been featured in a variety of online publications, including Forbes, Mashable, Rebelle Society, Human Parts (a Medium publication), and Braided Way, as well as the Girl God Books anthology Just As I Am: Hymns Affirming the Divine Female. 

The Backstory

Liz was the owner and CEO of a successful communications consulting company and pregnant with her second child when a spiritual awakening at a business conference set her on a path to seeking spiritual stories and mythologies centering women. Learning about historical cultures that had known and revered a feminine face of God transformed her life and catalyzed her growth in ways she never expected, so much so that in 2015, she sold the company she founded and dedicated her life to learning about and teaching others the wisdom of the Sacred Feminine.

This passion sent her on a pilgrimage to Sacred Feminine sites across Europe and inspired years of research, culminating in her book, a 2023 Nautilus Gold Award winner. For the last five years, she has also hosted the popular Home to Her podcast, ranked in the top 2% globally of all podcasts. She now teaches courses on the Sacred Feminine online, hosts an online community of 9K+ participants, and speaks and leads retreats across the US. 

Liz is dedicated to continual spiritual growth, and is certified in both Yin and Vinyasa yoga, as well as all three levels of Reiki.   
Patrick Jones - Course author
Patrick Jones - Course author

Frequently asked questions

How does the application process work? 

The application process includes two steps: first, please complete this application, then book a discovery call with Nancy and Liz to review and discuss your application. 

How do I know if this program is for me? 

This program is inviting you to make a significant investment in your growth and evolution. We encourage you to claim your sovereignty by listening with your mind, heart, body, and spirit to know if this is the right program for you! Got questions? Please book a discovery call with Nancy or Liz so you can get them answered.

What are the dates?

The kick-off retreat will be held September 12-15, 2024 on the Big Island of Hawaii. 

Twice-monthly community gatherings will be held via Zoom on Thursdays 7-9pm ET/ 4-6pm PT.
‘24 Dates: Sept 19, Oct 3 & 17, Nov 7 & 21, Dec 5 & 19
‘25 Dates: Jan 9 & 23, Feb 6 & 20, Mar 6 & 20, Apr 3 & 17, May 1 & 15.

The wrap-up retreat will be held near majestic Mount Shasta, California on June 5-8, 2024.

What does the cost of this program include? 

The price of $9,000 includes:
  • 3-night shared accommodations for kick-off retreat on the Big Island of Hawaii
  • 3-night shared accommodations for our wrap-up retreat near Mount Shasta
  • While on retreat, three delicious vegetarian meals per day will be provided plus opportunities to participate in yoga, meditation, group discussions, creative expression, and more. Massages and a limited number of private accommodations are also available for an additional fee while on retreat.  
  • Between retreats, our community will gather twice-monthly via Zoom with instructors Liz Childs Kelly and Nancy Larocca Hedley to continue our deep dive into leadership and sovereignty for the duration of the 9-month program.
  • 3 hour-long coaching sessions will be provided to each woman on this journey for additional 1:1 support and integration. 

Do you offer a payment plan? 

An initial payment of $500 is required to hold your spot. 
  • $2,833 will be due on September 1, 2024. 
  • Two additional payments of $2,833 will be due on December 1, 2024 and March 1, 2025.
  • Note: Because this is a leadership development program, we encourage you to speak with your employer about potential reimbursement. If you have your own business, we encourage you to consult with your accountant about whether this can be a business expense.

Do you offer early bird pricing? 

Yes, we are pleased to offer a 10% discount (code EARLYBIRD) for women who commit to this journey before July 31, 2024.

What is your cancellation policy?

You may cancel on or before August 31, 2024, without penalty. Cancellations following this date will not be refunded. 

Can I still participate if I can't attend the retreats? 

The retreats are an essential part of this program so please only sign up if you can also attend the retreats.

Can I participate in the retreats only? 

We believe the women who join this journey will be best served by committing to the full nine-month program. For this reason, we are not offering the retreats as stand alone offerings.

Please check out other retreats being offered by Liz and Home to Her, and Belinda Liu, on the land she stewards near Mount Shasta and the Big Island of Hawaii.

Will the virtual sessions be recorded?

Yes, all virtual sessions will be recorded and made available for you to review via the learning platform.

Do I need to attend all the virtual sessions live? 

The strength of our container is based on the shared commitment of the group, and our ability to to deepen into relationship with each other over time. For this reason, we're asking that participants commit to missing no more than two of the virtual sessions. If you have concerns about this, you can discuss them with Nancy and Liz during the discovery call

What are the accommodations at Hestia Retreat Center? 

Cost for this experience include shared accommodations in one of Hestia's luxury glamping yurts. You may see more images of Hestia online at at Shared bathroom facilities which include hot showers and high-end composting toilets are available with all yurts. We do have limited availability for private accommodations available for an additional fee. 

What are the accommodations at Whalesong Sanctuary (Big Island Retreat Center)?  

Whalesong Sanctuary is a gorgeous retreat facility overlooking the ocean on the beautiful Big Island of Hawaii. The price for this experience includes shared double occupancy rooms with ocean and garden views, with shared bathroom nearby. Single occupancy rooms with private bath are available for an additional fee. You can see more images at

I have more questions. Who can I talk to? 

We're happy to answer any questions you might have! Feel free to book a discovery call with Nancy and Liz to discuss the program in more detail. 
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